MCC Strategies
4.1 Motorcycles are not recognised as a separate class of vehicle for road safety policy, or for traffic management and transport planning.
4.1.1 MCC to work with other stakeholders for research into motorcycle traffic management strategies such as lane-splitting, blane-filtering, designated lanes and advanced stop lines for motorcycles.
4.1.2 MCC to seek to have input into the review of the NSW Roads Act to ensure the safety interests of motorcyclists are considered in relation to liability for roadworks and other issues.
4.1.3 MCC, through the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC), to seek to have input into the review of the National Road Rules.
4.1.4 MCC to seek to have input into the review of motorcycle-related NSW Acts and Regulations.
4.1.5 MCC to work with other stakeholders to include motorcycle-specific provisions in the review of the RTA parking policy guidelines in relation to paid and unpaid parking.
4.1.6 MCC to be formally included as a key stakeholder in consultations and notified when traffic management policies and guidelines are developed or revised, and when drafts are placed for comment on the RTA website.
4.1.7 MCC to work with the RTA, NSW Department of Planning and Department of Local Government to:
integrate road safety and transport planning into local government planning instruments
work with professional associations and educational providers to include road safety and transport planning in the training of planners
formally recognise motorcycles as a separate form of motorised transport in transport planning and infrastructure development
- include motorcycles as a separate form of transport in the Sydney Metropolitan Strategy.
4.1.8 MCC to work with NSW Department of Planning to:
have motorcycle safety and requirements for parking facilities incorporated into local government Development Control Plans
include motorcyclists as an identified transport group in their consultations for all future planning initiatives
- collect and report data on motorcycles as a separate form of transport from other motor vehicles.
4.1.9 MCC to develop a strategy to work with the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) to ensure that motorcycles are incorporated into transport planning at federal, state and local government levels.
4.1.10 MCC to develop a strategy to promote motorcycles as a transport option through the NSW Government’s strategy ‘Action for Air’, by promoting the environmental benefits of motorcycles as a mode of transport in terms of parking requirements, environmental considerations, fuel use and road space.
4.1.11 MCC to work with industry associations to:
take a lead in promoting benefits of motorcycles as a transport option in terms of reduction of fuel costs, congestion and parking facilities
fund the development of a comparison of the costs and benefits of motorcycles compared to cars and pedal cycles
- work with the NRMA to repeat the ‘Energy Challenge’ to evaluate the actual costs of different types of transport, including cost of production of the vehicles.
4.1.12 MCC to work with relevant agencies to fund research into the cost and benefits of expenditure on cycle facilities compared to motorcycle facilities.
4.1.13 MCC to encourage motorcyclists to work with their local councils to provide secure motorcycle parking with lockers in commercial developments and commuter parking areas.
4.1.14 MCC to work with the RTA and legislators for the amendment of the NSW Roads Act 1993 and other relevant acts of parliament to distinguish motorcycles as a separate class of road user.
4.2 There is insufficient government investment in motorcycle safety research and development.
4.2.1 MCC to work collaboratively with other stakeholders to ensure casualty crash data, including both injury and fatality crashes, is used as the basis of road safety policy and program initiatives for all road users.
4.2.2 MCC to work through the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) and the Australian Transport Council (ATC) to request road authorities to include kilometres travelled on the information provided when reregistering vehicles. This will enable more meaningful assessment of crash incidence by allowing calculation of crashes per kilometre rather than per registered vehicle.
4.2.3 MCC to work collaboratively with road authorities to enhance the system of crash investigation of all motorcycle crashes, and particularly single-vehicle crashes.
4.2.4 MCC to work collaboratively with other stakeholders for research to develop a better understanding of what happens in a crash. This may include:
in-depth study of motorcycle crashes using the facilities now available to link police crash records with hospital records
establishing a means of quantifying actual risk associated with road surface condition
- access to information used in coronial and criminal investigation of motorcycle crashes.
4.2.5 MCC, through the AMC, to request that the Australian Transport Council (ATC) provides information on the anticipated crash reduction benefits and costs associated with the introduction of frontal identification for motorcycles.
4.2.6 MCC to work with other stakeholders to establish a protocol for road authorities and researchers to consult with motorcyclists on all initiatives relating to motorcycle safety.
4.2.7 MCC to request that the RTA establish a full-time position for a manager with specific responsibility for motorcycle safety in the Road Safety Division of the RTA.
4.2.8 MCC to work collaboratively with the RTA on integrated programs involving road improvements, rider behaviour and enforcement.
4.2.9 MCC to work collaboratively with other stakeholders for research into the cause of single-vehicle motorcycle crashes.
4.2.10 MCC to work collaboratively with other stakeholders to research the differential crash risk patterns of different rider subgroups, by age and gender, for returning older riders, seasonal riders and novice riders.
4.3 Police crash reporting does not provide sufficient information for analysing and researching motorcycle crash data.
4.3.1 MCC to work with key stakeholders to ensure that the investigation of all serious and fatal motorcycle crashes is undertaken by people trained to understand motorcycle crashes. This is to ensure that the multiple factors are correctly identified and recorded for mass data collection to provide information for countermeasures.
4.3.2 MCC to work with key stakeholders to review police investigation, reporting and data collection of all road crashes. Considerations should include:
extending the brief for police investigation of crashes to include determining contributing factors such as the road environment, rather than solely focusing on identifying culpability for enforcement purposes
developing a checklist of factors that are more likely to be associated with other vehicle crashes, such as motorcycles and trucks
revising police procedures to allow serious and fatal injury crash sites to be treated as crime scenes until investigations are completed
ensuring that accredited crash investigators supervise the investigation of all fatal and serious injury crashes
introducing a crash investigation training course for all trainee police officers with completion to be a prerequisite for leading any crash investigations
including road safety training and resources in police crash investigation to ensure officers are able to identify road design and maintenance standards that may be contributing factors
- establishing a professional accreditation system and career path for police crash investigation experience and training.
4.3.3 MCC to work with other stakeholders to determine how police powers to close roads considered unsafe may be applied to ensure road authorities comply with road design and maintenance standards where non-compliance presents a road hazard.
4.3.4 MCC to work with police to investigate the perception by motorcyclists that they are automatically charged with negligent driving when involved in single-vehicle crashes.
4.3.5 MCC to work with key stakeholders for the establishment of a multidisciplinary project to undertake the forensic analysis of serious motorcycle crashes. This will improve understanding and the development of countermeasures.
4.3.6 MCC to promote the adoption of the international standards for in-depth investigation of motorcycle crashes for research purposes.
4.3.7 MCC to work with other stakeholders to enhance procedures for notification of hazardous road conditions and actioning of repairs by relevant road authority.
4.4 There are insufficient avenues for consultation and independent advice to government on motorcycling issues.
4.4.1 MCC to work with the RTA and other stakeholders to re-establish a consultative forum between the government and motorcycle community.
4.4.2 MCC to work with other agencies to formalise the framework for consultation and planning between government, other stakeholders and motorcycle community groups.
4.5 There is insufficient industry involvement and support for motorcycle safety initiatives.
4.5.1 MCC to work with RTA to establish a mechanism for improved liaison between industry, the rider community and road authorities.
4.5.2 MCC to work with motorcycle industry associations to review their codes of practice to ensure that safe riding practices are promoted and that unsafe riding practices are not endorsed by the industry.
4.5.3 MCC to work with motorcycle media to establish a code of conduct for motorcycle media.
4.5.4 MCC to work with industry associations to provide the MCC website with information on new research and developments in motorcycle technology and design, safety tips, buying a motorcycle, registration requirements and including a link to the Register of Encumbered Vehicles (REVS).
4.5.5 MCC to work with industry associations to encourage their members to:
include motorcycle safety as a value in their communications with their customers
endorse the MCC road safety website and promote it to their customers
promote networks between rider trainer and motorcycle retailer associations
become stakeholders in motorcycle safety issues
- promote motorcycle hazard reporting by providing their customers with information on the process to follow and contact details.
4.6 Government services do not adequately provide for motorcyclists.
4.6.1 MCC to work with stakeholders for funding for research into post-crash rider rehabilitation.
4.6.2 MCC to work with local regulatory and community bodies to ensure programs such as the Traffic Offenders Program and the Sober Driver Program address motorcyclist issues.
4.6.3 MCC to seek funding for a project to improve the image of motorcyclists as tourists and consumers, to counter prejudice and clarify the relative economic benefits of motorcyclists to a community area.
4.6.4 MCC to work with local authorities to promote motorcycle-friendly tourist destinations.
4.6.5 MCC to continue to promote St John’s Ambulance High-Velocity First Aid course.
4.6.6 MCC to increase focus on programs to support local motorcycle groups to engage with their local councils.
4.6.7 MCC to work with other stakeholders to develop protocols for road users to manage traffic at crash sites before emergency services arrive, and promote this on MCC website.
4.7 The sustainability of motorcycle safety strategies depends on the resources of the MCC.
4.7.1 MCC to seek funding to:
employ a professional writer to convey information to riders
continue to provide information to riders and other stakeholders through the MCC road safety website
- appoint a media manager to develop communications strategies and manage ongoing media response to issues as they appear.
4.7.2 MCC to seek funding to establish a full-time office and Education Officer position. The role would be to develop a more professional approach to issues and solutions and may include:
producing regular media releases to maintain a presence in the public eye
mainstreaming the messages and images of motorcyclists
working with the motorcycle industry to establish annual awards for motorcycle-friendly organisations/councils; councils to be nominated on the MCC website
devising a media and communications strategy to promote constructive relationships with public servants by recognising and rewarding positives, rather than attacking with negative media coverage
maintaining the MCC website
- coordinating Motorcycle Awareness Week.